Results for 'N. Vivian Pope'

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  1.  61
    The new world synthesis.N. Vivian Pope - 1989 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):23-28.
  2.  28
    Philosophy: an outline of the discipline and its sub-disciplines.Neville Vivian Pope - 1975 - Burton on Trent: Philosophical Enterprises.
  3.  12
    A Triangulated Qualitative Study of Veteran Decision-Making to Seek Care During Heart Failure Exacerbation: Implications of Dual Health System Use.Charlene A. Pope, Boyd H. Davis, Leticia Wine, Lynne S. Nemeth & Robert N. Axon - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801775150.
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    Editorial: African Cultural Models in Psychology.Zewelanji N. Serpell, Vivian Afi Abui Dzokoto, Adote Anum & Faye Zollicoffer Belgrave - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Ecotherapy – A Forgotten Ecosystem Service: A Review.James K. Summers & Deborah N. Vivian - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:354310.
    Natural ecosystems provide important services upon which humans depend. Unfortunately, some people tend to believe that these services are provided by nature for free; therefore, the services have little or no value. One nearly forgotten ecosystem service is ecotherapy – the ability of interaction with nature to enhance healing and growth. While we do not pay for this service, its loss can result in a cost to humans resulting in slower recovery times, greater distress and reduced well-being. Losses in these (...)
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  6. Stability of executive function and predictions to adaptive behavior from middle childhood to pre-adolescence.Madeline B. Harms, Vivian Zayas, Andrew N. Meltzoff & Stephanie M. Carlson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    N ANCY G. S IRAISI, Medicine and the Italian Universities, 1250105.00.Vivian Nutton - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (3):360.
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    On the Erosion of Democracy by Truth.Bradford Vivian - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (4):416-440.
    [N]othing is more dangerous than a political system that claims to lay down the truth.We have allegedly entered a post-truth era. Oxford Dictionaries selected the previously "peripheral term" post-truth "as 2016's international word of the year" because it had quickly become "a mainstay in political commentary" with demonstrable "impact on the national and international consciousness." The very idea of a post-truth condition, as discussed in ongoing public discourse,1 relies upon various assumptions about the nature and status of truth itself as (...)
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    Representation of influence zones in commercial GISs for simulation of directional processes.M. Dolores Muñoz Vicente, María N. Moreno García & Vivian F. López - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Student nurses’ ethical views on responses to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak.Joseph K. M. Kam, Eric Chan, Albert Lee, Vivian W. I. Wei, Kin On Kwok, Dominic Lui & Robert K. N. Yuen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):924-934.
    Background Fifteen years have passed since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong. At that time, there were reports of heroic acts among professionals who cared for these patients, whose bravery and professionalism were highly praised. However, there are concerns about changes in new generation of nursing professionals. Objective We aimed to examine the attitude of nursing students, should they be faced with severe acute respiratory syndrome patients during their future work. Research design A questionnaire survey was (...)
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    Neuroticism as Mediator and Moderator Between War Atrocities and Psychopathology in Syrian Refugee Children and Adolescents.Vivian Khamis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDespite the extensive research on war atrocities and risk factors for psychopathology, there is a paucity of research on the potential mediating and moderating effect of neuroticism in refugee children and adolescents.ObjectiveThis study aimed to analyze whether neuroticism mediated and/or moderated the relationship between war atrocities and different types of psychopathology in Syrian refugee children and adolescents who resettled in Lebanon and Jordan.Participants and SettingParticipants were 1,000 Syrian refugee children and adolescents of both sexes.MethodsQuestionnaires were administered in an interview format (...)
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  12.  70
    Style, Rhetoric, and Postmodern Culture.Bradford Vivian - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):223-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 223-243 [Access article in PDF] Style, Rhetoric, and Postmodern Culture Bradford Vivian Modern rhetoricians habitually avoid the canon of style. The reasons for this avoidance should be familiar to those versed in the disciplinary lore of rhetoric. Since the fifth and fourth centuries B. C. E., when oratorical virtuosos like Gorgias proclaimed that "Speech is a powerful lord, which by means of the (...)
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  13.  49
    Guest editorial: Charlie Gard’s five months in court: better dispute resolution mechanisms for medical futility disputes.Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):436-437.
    British courts have adjudicated dozens of medical futility disputes over the past 10 years. Many of these cases have involved pediatric patients. All these judgements are publicly available in searchable legal reporters. And most were covered by the print or broadcast media.1 Yet, as noted by Dressler, none of these earlier cases received even a fraction of the public or scholarly attention that Charlie Gard has received. One might assess the Gard case from two different perspectives. At one level, the (...)
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    (un) Disciplining the n urse w riter: doctoral nursing students' perspective on writing capacity.Maureen M. Ryan, Madeline Walker, Margaret Scaia & Vivian Smith - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):294-300.
    In this article, we offer a perspective into howCanadian doctoral nursing students’ writing capacity is mentored and, as a result, we argue is disciplined. We do this by sharing our own disciplinary and interdisciplinary experiences of writing with, for and about nurses. We locate our experiences within a broader discourse that suggests doctoral (nursing) students be prepared as stewards of the (nursing) discipline. We draw attention to tensions and effects of writing within (nursing) disciplinary boundaries. We argue that traditional approaches (...)
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  15. Copernicus' preface in his books' On the Revolutions'(a letter to Pope Paul III).N. Copernicus - 2003 - Filozofski Vestnik 24 (1):137-143.
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    Marriage Advice for a Pope: John XXII and the Power to Dissolve. By Patrick Nold.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):488-489.
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    Pope Francis on War and Peace.Christian N. Braun - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (1):63-87.
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    Reject Aeneas, Accept Pius: Selected Letters of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II). Introduced and translated by Thomas M. Izbicki, Gerald Christianson, and Philip Krey.R. N. Swanson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):493-494.
  19. The Intentions of Information Sources Can Affect What Information People Think Qualifies as True.I. J. Handley-Miner, Michael Pope, Richard Kenneth Atkins, S. M. Jones-Jang, Daniel J. McKaughan, J. Philips & L. Young - 2023 - Scientific Reports 13.
    The concept of truth is at the core of science, journalism, law, and many other pillars of modern society. Yet, given the imprecision of natural language, deciding what information should count as true is no easy task, even with access to the ground truth. How do people decide whether a given claim of fact qualifies as true or false? Across two studies (N = 1181; 16,248 observations), participants saw claims of fact alongside the ground truth about those claims. Participants classified (...)
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  20.  36
    Literary Criticism: Plato to DrydenLiterary Criticism: Pope to Croce.E. N. B., Allan H. Gilbert, Gay W. Allen & Harry H. Clark - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5):75.
  21. The Works of George Berkeley Including His Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &C. &C. To Which is Prefixed an Account of His Life. In This Edition the Latin Essays Are Rendered Into English, and the "Introduction to Human Knowledge" Annotated.George Berkeley & G. N. Wright - 1843 - T. Tegg.
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    Love as Evidence for the Truth and the Humanity of Faith: A Roman Catholic Perspective on the Significance of "Caritas" in the Life of the Church.N. Mette - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (2):107-118.
    The article summarizes and critically analyzes the encyclical letter of Pope Benedict XVI “Deus Caritas est.” This document discusses “diaconia” in the Roman Catholic Church in view of its biblical and theological foundations, its characteristics, and the position of works of mercy within the general self-understanding of the church. In going beyond the text, the author emphasizes the political dimension of church-based charity, the need to respond to the challenge of the principle of solidarity by contemporary neoliberal tendencies, and (...)
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  23.  57
    Zeus Hypsistos Megistos: An Argument for Enclitic που in Aeschylus, Agamemnon 182.N. B. Booth - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (2):220-228.
    In pages 101–3 of his article Pope lists the numbers of occurrences of interrogative and enclitic in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and mentions occurrences in other authors. He shows that, although there is a dead heat between the numbers of instances of the two words in Aeschylus, nevertheless enclitic is very rarely indeed, and perhaps never, found in sentences which do not have a main verb. There are, however, occurrences of interrogative in sentences which lack a main verb and (...)
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    Asociaciones entre la depresión materna y el desarrollo neuroconductual de los niños.Ana Paula Parada, Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende, Juliana Arantes Figueiredo de Paula Eduardo, Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo, Heloisa Bettiol, Ricardo Cavalli, Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Cristina Marta Del Ben - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:236-251.
    We investigated the influence of maternal depression (MD) on the communication and motor dimensions of child neurodevelopment, by a longitudinal and descriptive study. We assessed 1,555 mother-baby dyads from two Brazilian cities with discrepant sociodemographic characteristics: Ribeirão Preto (RP) (N=663) and São Luís (SL) (N=892). MD during pregnancy and at the second year of child´s life was assessed, respectively, through the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-CES-D (≥24) and the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale-EPDS (≥12). Child development was assessed through the (...)
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  25.  8
    Reducing discrepancies between actual and ideal affect across adulthood: the roles of activity flow conduciveness, pleasantness, and familiarity. Da Jiang, Dwight C. K. Tse, Xianmin Gong, Vivian H. L. Tsang, Helene H. Fung, Ajit S. Mann, Jeanne Nakamura & Jeanne L. Tsai - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1303-1317.
    Previous findings demonstrate that people often do not feel how they want to feel, supporting the distinction between “actual affect” and “ideal affect.” But are there certain activities that reduce the discrepancy between actual and ideal affect? Based on flow theory and socioemotional selectivity theory, we examined whether the discrepancy between people’s actual and ideal positive affect would be smaller during activities that were more conducive to flow (a state of intense absorption and concentration), pleasant, and familiar. In Study 1, (...)
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    The Face of the Other.Paul N. Check - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (2):221-230.
    The director of Courage International talks about the work of the apostolate in addressing homosexuality according to the mind and heart of the Church, which he calls “one of the most demanding aspects of education, formation, and pastoral care today.” But it is also an opportunity to attend to the often acute and persistent wounds of those who need healing within what Pope Francis calls the “field hospital” of the Church. The author points out that the work of Courage (...)
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  27.  8
    The Works of George Berkeley, D.D., Bishop of Cloyne, Including His Letters to Thomas Prior, Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &c. to which is Prefixed an Account of His Life.George Berkeley, Joseph Stock & G. N. Wright - 1853 - Printed for T. Tegg.
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  28. Aspects of the Language of Latin Prose.Tobias Reinhardt, Michael Lapidge & J. N. Adams - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 129.
    J. N. Adams, Michael Lapidge, and Tobias Reinhardt: IntroductionJ. H. W. Penney: Connections in Archaic Latin ProseJ. Briscoe: Language and Style of the Fragmentary Republican HistoriansJ. N. Adams: The Bellum AfricumChristina Shuttleworth Kraus: Hair, Hegemony, and Historiography: Caesar's Style and its Earliest CriticsJ. G. F. Powell: Cicero's Adaptation of Legal Latin in the De legibusTobias Reinhardt: Language of Epicureanism in Cicero: The Case of AtomismG. O. Hutchinson: Pope's Spider and Cicero's WritingR. G. Mayer: The Impracticability of 'Kunstprosa'H. M. Hine: (...)
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    Approaches to parental demand for non-established medical treatment: reflections on the Charlie Gard case.John J. Paris, Brian M. Cummings, Michael P. Moreland & Jason N. Batten - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):443-447.
    The opinion of Mr. Justice Francis of the English High Court which denied the parents of Charlie Gard, who had been born with an extremely rare mutation of a genetic disease, the right to take their child to the United States for a proposed experimental treatment occasioned world wide attention including that of the Pope, President Trump, and the US Congress. The case raise anew a debate as old as the foundation of Western medicine on who should decide and (...)
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  30. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the (...)
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  31.  16
    Bombs, Bikinis, and the Popes of Rock 'n'Roll: Reflections on Resistance, the Play of Subordinations, and Liberalism in Andalusia and Academia, 1983–1995. [REVIEW]Richard Maddox - 1997 - In Akhil Gupta & James Ferguson, Culture, power, place: explorations in critical anthropology. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. pp. 275--290.
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    O Imitatores... - N. Rudd: The Classical Tradition in Operation. Chaucer/Virgil, Shakespeare/Plautus, Pope/Horace, Tennyson/Lucretius, Pound/ Propertius. (The Robson Classical Lectures.) Pp. xii + 186. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1994. Cased, $55 ($66 Europe)/£35. [REVIEW]Marilynne Bromley - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):149-150.
  33. Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust: Fear of reprisals and generic diplomacy.Kilian Mcdonnell - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):313-334.
    Deux assomptions ont été faites au sujet du refus du Pape Pie XII à aller au-delà de condamnations génériques de l'Holocauste Nazi. 1. La politique était dictée par peur de représailles contre les Catholiques et les Juifs. 2. La peur de représailles contre les Juifs était essentiellement une excuse pour ne rien faire ou rester au niveau de condamnations génériques. Mais les organisations juives elles-mêmes ont souvent cité la peur de représailles contre les Juifs comme la raison d'une restrainte dans (...)
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    Psychological and ethical themes in Galen. P.n. singer) Galen: Psychological writings. Avoiding distress, character traits, the diagnosis and treatment of the affections and errors peculiar to each person's soul, the capacities of the soul depend on the mixtures of the body. With contributions by Daniel Davies and Vivian nutton. With the collaboration of Piero tassinari. Pp. XVIII + 539, fig., Map. cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2013. Cased, £90, us$140. Isbn: 978-0-521-76517-6. [REVIEW]David Leith - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):381-383.
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  35. G. G. Willis (†), A History of Early Roman Liturgy to the Death of Pope Gregory the Great. With a memoir of G. G. Willis by Michael Moreton. (Subsidia, 1.) London; Woodbridge, Suffolk; and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, for the Henry Bradshaw Society, 1994. Pp. xv, 168; tables. $45. [REVIEW]John M. McCulloh - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1222-1223.
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    Kosmos: l'épopée des particules.Antoine Letessier-Selvon - 2017 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    A la fin du XIXe siècle, beaucoup de physiciens pensaient être arrivés au bout de leur discipline. La gravitation de Newton, la thermodynamique de Carnot, les équations de Maxwell : on pensait avoir tout compris ou presque. Il restait bien quelques observations inexpliquées, que l'on pensait être des points de détail. Il n'en était rien. Au tout début du XXe siècle un phénomène anodin allait conduire les physiciens à la découverte des rayons cosmiques, ces particules extra-terrestres qui bombardent la Terre. (...)
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  37.  23
    Roman Patriotism and Republican Propaganda: Ptolemy of Lucca and Pope Nicholas III.Charles T. Davis - 1975 - Speculum 50 (3):411-433.
    Two impulses dominated northern and central Italy in the late thirteenth century. One was the striving of cities for self-sufficiency and increased power. The other was the papal thrust toward political as well as religious overlordship. Often policies of the papacy and certain cities were linked by memories and fears of imperial interference. Ptolemy of Lucca's histories reflected his keen awareness of this situation. His more theoretical political works, the Determinatio compendiosa and the continuation of Aquinas's De regimine principum, did (...)
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  38.  13
    Las dos espadas de Dios: antecedentes teológicos del estado de excepción.Mario Di Giacomo - 2017 - Caracas: ABediciones.
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  39. Acerca del título de Ciencia Tomista: subsuelo, puesto al día, de una supresión.Alberto Escallada Tijero - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (442):251-312.
    n un momento determinado de su historia, nuestra revista modificó el nombre. El leve cambio hecho se contempla aquí desde una doble perspectiva: 1. como justificación de lo abolido en ese título, y 2. como desafío y compromiso para lo conservado en él. ¿Por qué estos dos puntos de vista? Se impone el primero, porque nada podría autorizar el atribuirse la exclusividad en ser fieles a Tomás de Aquino. Y se reafirma hoy la opción por el segundo, porque, a zaga (...)
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  40.  29
    Le discours des évêques italiens sur la famille et les questions éthiques : une ou plusieurs voix?Francesco Pesce - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):373-397.
    Francesco Pesce | : Le présent article étudie l’enseignement des évêques italiens sur la famille et quelques questions éthiques, sur une période de dix ans. Pour les catholiques italiens et les Italiens en général, il n’est pas facile de faire la distinction entre le Vatican et la Conférence épiscopale italienne et, par conséquent, on donne de l’importance aux discours d’un évêque en fonction de son rapport à la position « officielle » du pape. Dans ce contexte, on examinera les discours (...)
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  41.  17
    American Classical Liberalism and Religion: Religion, Reason and Economic Science.Leonard P. Liggio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Rerum Novarum, the papal encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, has had a major impact on Catholic thinking. Issued in 1891 it immediately received much public attention. This was especially the case in the United States where it was seen as the response re-affirming the sanctity of private property long sought by the American bishops in the public debates with Henry George and his supporters. George was a central public figure in the United States, England and Ireland, whose speeches and (...)
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  42.  49
    Algunos medios que contribuyen a mejorar el aprendizaje del álgebra lineal.L. Uzuriaga, Vivian Libeth, Alejandro Martínez, M. Arias & Jhon Jairo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Humanae vitae, Rape and the Zika Virus.Gary Michael Atkinson - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (2):209-214.
    Zika virus infection in a pregnant woman may cause severe brain malformations and other birth defects in her child, and women living in or traveling to areas where it is endemic are urged to postpone pregnancy. Do the dangers posed by microcephaly justify the use of contraceptives under the principle of double effect? The author discusses ambiguities in Humanae vitae n. 14 and the claim that the use of contraceptives was approved by Pope Paul VI for nuns at risk (...)
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    The Origins of Antisocial Behaviour: A Developmental Perspective.Christopher R. Thomas & Kayla Pope (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Antisocial behaviors including bullying, violence, and aggression have been an area of intense interest among researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and the general public because of their grievous consequences on individuals and society. Our understanding of the origins and development of these behaviors in individuals has recently progressed with the application of new scientific advancements and technologies such as neuroimaging, genomics, and research methods that capture behavioral changes in the first few years of life.The Origins of Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Perspective (...)
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  45. Assessing Practice Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Teaching: The Role of Gender and Degree Programs in Competence Development.Manuel Caingcoy, Vivian Irish Lorenzo, Iris April Ramirez, Catherine Libertad, Romeo Pabiona Jr & Ruffie Marie Mier - 2022 - Iafor Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (1):21-35.
    Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) weaves together rigor and relevance while it improves student achievement and engagement. The Philippine Department of Education implemented Indigenous People’s education to respond to the demands for culturally responsive teaching. Teacher education graduates are expected to articulate the rootedness of education in sociocultural contexts in creating a learning environment that recognizes respect, connectedness, choice, personal relevance, challenges, engagement, authenticity, and effectiveness. Practice teachers need relevant exposure and immersion to fully develop their competence in CRT. This scenario (...)
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  46. Yi Pyŏng-hŏn chŏnjip.Pyŏng-hŏn Yi - 1989 - Sŏul: Asea Munhwasa.
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  47. Yugyojŏk maŭn model kwa ye kyoyuk.KwŏN-Jong Yu (ed.) - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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  48. A Warning to Men Going Abroad [Signed A.N.].N. A. & Warning - 1916
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    Sayr-i falsafah dar Īrān-i Islāmī.Riz̤ā Akbariyān - 2008 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Taḥqīqāt va Tawsiʻah-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī.
  50.  24
    Ardahan İlinin Tubitak Projelerine Katılmama Nedenleri Ve Öğrencilerin Araştırma Kaygılarının Sosyo-.Alptürk Akçölteki̇n - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):41-41.
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